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About the Exploriamo team

We are Gabriela, Matteo and Manolo, the founders behindExploriamo! We are foodies and adventurers, who are passionate aboutourItalian roots and want to share thatpassion with the world. Wecreatedour site as a platform to showcase the beauty of Salerno, the AlmalfiCoast, and beyond. Our mission is to provide a genuine experience of life in Italywhilesupportinglocal culture. Weprovidetravelers with the tools and the people to do so. From itineraries to tours, budgets, and accommodations, we make ithappen. We are pursuing the project of our dreams- one in whichwe can connect cross-culturally to showcase Italianflavors, customs and communities!

Let’s take a trip- Andiamo!

About Matteo

Hello explorers, I'm Matteo, born and raised in Salerno (1992). Since I was a child I havehad a passion for traveling and between school, soccer, and family trips i havevisitednumerous places in Italy and Europe, enrichingmy cultural background more and more. At 14, I had the opportunity to take a 3-month study holiday in the United States of America, and thiswascertainly a uniqueexperience. In fact, at the age of 21, I movedpermanently to the USA, startingmy studies in enology and making a career in the food and beverage sector. I havenowsettledhere in the US and living between San Francisco and New York hasalreadybeen 7 years. Although I havealwaysbeenverybusybetween study and work, I haveneverabandonedmypassion to visit and explore new places and countries, knowing the customs and traditions of differentcultures. Right in San Francisco, I metmywife Gabriela, with whomwe share a passion for traveling. Thuswasborn the idea of this new project called Exploriamo.net

About Gabriela

Hello everyone! I’m a child of the East Coast USA- born in Tampa, Florida, and bred in Boston, Massachusetts. Growing up, my family didnothave the means to travel beyond state boundariesbut I credit myMother for takingadvantage of free Museum trips and library visitsas a way to expandmy knowledge and growmycuriosity of life beyondmyown back yard. I carriedthatcuriosity to college in California where I went on to study Geography. My sixyears in California introduced me to new cities, landforms, foods, and cultures. I went on to meetmyhusband Matteo in San Francisco and connect with myItalianheritage. Webonded over ourshared love for food and adventure. After fouryearstogetherourmostrecent adventure wasourmove to NYC. I aim to learnsomething new from anywhere I travel whetherit be a new continent or the next city over from mine. ThroughExploriamo, I hopewe can share some of whatwelearn and love from our travels with some of you.


About Manolo

Hello exploratori, I am Manolo Mantieroborn in the East side of Salerno, Italy (1989) . I havealwayslovedtraveling, meeting new people, and exploringdifferentcultures. My first trip to Rovaniemi in Lapland, Finlandleft me in complete awe of the scenery and way of life. I’vecontinued to travel since the age of fourteenthroughoutItaly and the rest of Europe. Over the years I havedeveloped a career in marketing and communication by creating social communites and managing the brands of various companies. Im gratefulthatmy business hasallowed me to explore new places. My curiosityalwayspushes me to alwaysbroadenmyhorizons to discover new places. I hope to visitmydear friend Matteo in the United States on mynext trip wherewe can embark on new adventures under Exploriamo.net.


Meet Our Team


Gabriela Molignano

Manolo Mantiero
